Groundwater Exploration Techniques

Groundwater Exploration Groundwater conditions at a particular location can be described through its distribution of permeable layers: Such as sand, fractured rocks, and gravel, and impermeable layers, which are zones of low permeability such as clay, till, and solid rock. Image: Courtesy A contrast between the petrophysical properties of formations will give us a geophysical picture of these subsurface structures. The mostly used petrophysical properties are: Seismic velocities : They are related to elastic properties & density. They define the speed with which various elastic deformations propagate through the materials. Electrical conductivity : describes how easily electric current can flow through a medium when subjected to an applied electric field. Dielectric constant : This is a measure of the ability of a material to store electric energy. Electrical conductivity within rocks Within rocks and other materials, there are free electrical charges. When an ele...